Fifa street 3 ps3 review
Fifa street 3 ps3 review

Finally, beating teams in mini-tournaments and opening up unlockables should only be part of the experience. For some reason this move is unstoppable, much like the fade away Hail Mary in Tecmo Bowl. Once the controls become second nature to you, you'll be able to go the length of the court by simply juggling your way into the opposing net. though you can pretty much beat any team without changing your tactics one iota. Third, teams that you challenge will be categorized as Enforcers, Youth Stars, Speedsters, etc. Once activated, any member of your team can score from almost anywhere within the offensive half and beyond. Second, the Game Breaker feature makes playing the game just too easy against the computer. Sure, a goal may be taken away from you because you scored the wrong way, but all in all it is difficult to distinguish between different scenarios. are ever-changing, but not substantively different. First, the game's victory conditions such as first to five goals, no Gamebreaker goals, score using only headers and volleys, etc. However, the gameplay does become quite repetitive not long into the experience. The unlockable content and diverse makeup of the teams you'll challenge should be enough to provide you with the impetus to complete the entire mode. The new single player Street Challenge mode has a good deal of content that should occupy you for three to five hours. There are 250 of your favorite stars crammed into eighteen international selections and a bunch of unlockable, developer-created sides. The inclusion of a new Game Breaker mechanic makes your entire team a collection of acrobatic soccer gods capable of pulling off wall flips, volleys, bikes, and upper 90 crackers with ease. If you're looking for a goal-filled giggle and a humorous take on the world's game, then FIFA Street 3 should provide you at least a handful of hours of lighthearted fun.įIFA Street 3 will quickly immerse you in a world of over-the-top football. The simple controls are also great for a genuine pickup-and-play experience, but after a few hours you'll wish there was more of a challenge. Having said that, the presentation is wonderful! I was truly impressed with the environments, player caricatures, and music selection. However, the title still needs a lot of work and is about as deep as Hannah Montana's set list.

#Fifa street 3 ps3 review series#

The old series needed quite a bit of work, and thankfully a lot more attention was lavished upon this next-gen version. It's been a few years since EA SPORTS BIG has given us a FIFA Street title.

Fifa street 3 ps3 review